Making The Best Of Basics

(Rated 11 times)

At a glance..

The main purpose of this handbook is to organize some of the many ideas and methods currently available into a single volume to provide a framework on which families may rely for making the best of basics.

The details..

'Making the Best of Basics' by James Talmage Stevens is an essential resource for anyone interested in preparing their family for emergencies or disasters. The book covers a wide range of topics related to survival and self-sufficiency, including home storage planning and organization; food preservation techniques like drying fruits and vegetables; kitchen gardening with sprouts; basic medical supplies; energy and fuel storage guidelines; personal care products; household cleaning solutions - just to name a few!

'Making the Best of Basics' emphasizes practicality over panic. It provides readers with clear instructions on how they can prepare themselves without breaking the bank. For example, it includes tips on establishing priorities when purchasing emergency supplies so that families can focus first on what's most important before moving onto less critical items.

The author also shares his expertise in specific areas such as wheat grain processing (including sourdough bread baking), dairy product making from powdered milk (such as yogurt or cheese), soybean recipes (including textured vegetable protein), game meat preparation methods etc., providing detailed information about each topic along with easy-to-follow recipes.

Overall,' Making the Best of Basics 'is an excellent reference manual for those who want to be better prepared for whatever life throws at them. Whether you're new to prepping or have been doing it for years,this handbook will provide valuable insights into everything from storing water safely,to growing your own produce,and even creating homemade soap.

Resource Info

Page count: 188
Size: 9536kb
File Type: pdf


Survival Skills
Environment Setting
Health and Fitness
Time Available
Finances Available
Defensive Skills